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Whilst the falling of the leaves transforms our landscape into a magnificent display of gold, amber and red, Autumn also brings with it some potentially challenging driving conditions.  Colder temperatures, less daylight, rain and fallen leaves, just some of the many potential hazards autumnal roads present to motorists.

Below are some of our top tips to maximise your safety on the road.

Pre-Journey Checks

1.  Clean  and clear your Windscreen  - Unclean glass will only worsen the glare from the low Autumn sun and impair your vision. Make sure to clean both inside and outside.

2.  Beware of the Dazzle -  Keep a spare pair of sunglasses in your car and use your sun visors.

3.  Repair any scratches or chips on your windscreen as these can worsen the suns glare.

4.  Check your Tyres - Worn tyres will not be able to cope with slippery tyres. The legal minimum tread depth for car tyres in the UK is 1.6mm.  However, the AA recommends at least 3mm of tread for the Winter. 

Tips for whilst you're on the road

• Use your headlights to help other drivers see you.

• If the sun dazzles you, slow down!

• Exercise Caution -  Increase the distance between you and the car in front when road conditions are slippery.

• Be mindful of overloaded batteries - We tend to use heating, lighting and wipers more frequently during the Autumn. If you notice your lights appearing dimmer than usual, this is a sign your battery may need replacing.