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Electric (BEV)

Person plugs vehicle into an electric charging station in car park

A battery electric vehicle (BEV) operates solely on rechargeable batteries for power, eliminating the need for a conventional combustion engine. This design flexibility allows for optimal weight distribution by positioning the battery along the floor, enhancing overall performance.

Contrasted with traditional petrol or diesel engines, BEVs offer a remarkable quietness during operation. The absence of engine noise highlights the subtle sounds of wind resistance and tire contact, which might initially feel unfamiliar when transitioning to a BEV. However, this soon becomes the new norm and is a notable feature during test drives and everyday driving. Experience the seamless transition to electric driving with a BEV.

Person plugs vehicle into HPC electric charging station

Driving an electric car offers straightforward operation, often equipped with automatic gearboxes and regenerative brakes that recharge the battery when easing off the accelerator. This results in a one-pedal driving experience at moderate speeds, while traditional braking remains readily accessible.

Range plays a crucial role in your electric vehicle decision. BEV models typically offer a range of 100-300 miles, varying by model and size. The Agnew Group proudly represents manufacturers with an expanding range of BEV and Hybrid options, with upcoming launches and extensions, providing abundant choices. Consider your daily usage, vehicle range, and charging options when opting for a purely electric BEV. Battery size and capacity choices influence cost, allowing customization to match your requirements. Make the electric switch wisely with a range that suits your needs.