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It’s hard to believe that Christmas is nearly upon us again. Where does the time go? They say time travels faster the older you get or when you’re having too much fun. I’m hoping for the latter, but I have to say 2022 has presented its challenges. I think it would be fair to say it has been hard on occasions to remain positive when there have been so many curve balls thrown at you. Where do I start, from the continued shortage of semi-conductors and vehicle parts in general to the stretching lead times, manufacturer price increases, reduced discounts and last but not least, increased cost of funds. This of course is not restricted to the motor industry. Every customer we speak to has their own set of problems to overcome, whether that be the increased cost of raw materials, utilities, people or other supply and demand issues.

So, we are all in this together, trying to keep our heads above the water, but if there is one thing I have learned since the outbreak of covid, it’s that people and businesses are a lot more resilient than I could have ever imagined.  It’s amazing how people find a way to get things done when their back is to the wall. I suppose it’s the survival instinct in all of us and it’s at times like this that you can truly appreciate the colleagues you work with, and the efforts people go to. Having said all the above and in the face of adversity, Agnew Leasing managed to secure more orders in 2022 than in any other year, which is down to two things, our valued staff and customers.

Agnew Leasing director Graham Thompson delivering his end of year speech to the Agnew Group
Agnew Leasing director Graham Thompson


The demand for new vehicles is still there and hopefully, vehicle supply will begin to improve throughout 2023 to allow us to deliver more vehicles. Within the company car arena, electric vehicles continue to be the hot topic of discussion, so it was good to see recent communication on benefit in kind rates from government, giving us some clarity right up to tax year 2027/28. Everyone at Agnew Leasing is very much looking forward to 2023 with some exciting plans for future growth and development. But before the counter gets set back to zero, we do have Christmas to enjoy. So the only thing that remains to be said is firstly, thank you for your continued support, it means the world to us and lastly, we hope you and your families have a very Merry Christmas & Happy New Year.

Merry Christmas from everyone at Agnew Leasing.