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There’s a recurring term that comes up in discussions about electric vehicles - “Range Anxiety”. What is range anxiety? Why does it occur? And how can we address it to embrace the electric future with confidence?


What is Range Anxiety?

One of the most common sources of anxiety surrounding EVs is how far they can travel without running out of battery – known as their ‘range’. There is a nervousness around not being able to reach their destination or an EV charging point. The term ‘range anxiety’ was coined to describe this concern and it’s considered one of the major psychological barriers preventing many people from getting an EV.

However, is Range Anxiety a valid concern? Or is this simply a case of unfamiliar territory? Most drivers are accustomed to the ease of refuelling at petrol stations, where the process is quick and familiar.

There have been many myths and misconceptions when it comes to the range of electric vehicles. Let’s debunk…


EV Range

One of the main reasons for range anxiety is a lack of understanding about the capabilities of modern electric vehicles. While early EV models had limited ranges, significant advancements in battery technology have led to the development of electric cars with impressive driving ranges. Many modern EVs can travel over 300 miles on a single charge.


EV Charging

Charging speed is another key concern amongst drivers when it comes to EVs. Different EVs will charge at a different rate using the same charger due to a variety of different factors.

Rapid advancements in battery and charging technologies have made significant breakthroughs to improve the efficiency of EV charging. Furthermore, fast/rapid charging stations are becoming more and more prevalent in Northern Ireland. Generally, fast charging stations will fully charge most electric vehicles from empty to 100% in 4-6 hours.

Did you know? If you re-charge before your battery drops below 20% and then only charge up to 80% capacity, you can extend the life and condition of your battery.


EV Charging Infrastructure

The majority of EV drivers will charge their vehicle at home (typically overnight). However, those drivers who rely on public charging points are presented with more of a challenge when it comes to charging their EV. Northern Ireland has the lowest rates of public charging devices for EVs in the UK, meaning demand outstrips supply. However, the future of NI’s EV charging infrastructure is bright with several projects currently underway to expand and improve the current network.


4 Tips on How to Combat Range Anxiety

  • If possible, charge your EV at home.
  • Understand your needs by evaluating your daily habits. Most EVs will offer more than enough range for typical commutes and errands. Assess how far you usually drive in a day and compare it to the range of the electric vehicle you are considering.
  • Utilise Charging Apps. Leverage smartphone apps and navigation tools that identify charging stations along your route (especially handy for longer journeys).
  • Practice “EV-Friendly” Driving. Smoother driving with minimal harsh braking and accelerating will maximize your EV’s range.

As EV adoption continues to rise and the local charging infrastructure expands, range anxiety will gradually become a thing of the past.