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In real-world conditions, your electric range will likely differ due to various factors – through planning ahead and adopting an economical driving style will have the biggest impact.

Discover some useful tips to help you maximise your range in our easy guide video.

What impacts your driving range?

Your driving style

Adopting an economical driving style will have the biggest positive influence on your range.

Outside temperature

Batteries are most efficient in temperatures of approximately 20 degrees.

During winter the colder temperatures mean more energy is required to get the battery to its optimum level which will reduce the range.

Heating and air-conditioning 30% of an EV’s range can be used on heating or air-conditioning therefore limiting use or switching off can significantly improve range.

You can use the myAudi app to pre-condition/heat the car whilst charging which means maximise the range for your onward journey.

Driving Profile

The type of driving you’re doing, such as city, country or motorway driving, will affect energy consumption and therefore range.

EVs tend to have a greater range on city streets due to lower speeds and more opportunities for recuperating energy.

Motorway driving can cause the greatest reduction in range and has less opportunity for recuperation.

So always plan ahead and adopt an efficient style to maximise range.

For fully electric models (e-tron) we recommend you use the e-tron range calculator to help you learn more about range for each and every journey.

For more information on making the switch to electric, contact our team at Belfast Audi on 02890097152 or Portadown on 02838633513 today.

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